UI/UX Designer & Front Developer

Digital Campaign - Pitch
Porsche Panamera G2
The campaign goal was to Support marketing campaigns to drive brand desire through the understanding of “Courage Changes Everything”, and strengthen the segment leadership.
so we participate in this pitch with a proposal of three phases campaign: Warm-up Campaign, Launch Campaign, and Push Campaign.
Client /
Role /
UI Designer
Agency /
Year /
Building up curiosity

The Warm-up campaign. At this stage the strategy focuses on raising awareness about the new Panamera G2 and to attract hand raisers, being the priority group in the upcoming campaigns

Courage Statement

KOL video

Courage Barometer

The new Panamera coming soon
Choose your favorite courage statement, or add your own.
Share it to your friends and family, ask for their support as each “Like” or “Forwarding” adds more points.
Courage Barometer

The participant with the highest number of likes and forwards get to drive the new Porsche Panamera for 1 year.
Additional smaller prizes like special test drives (Snow Force), voucher or items from the lifestyle shop can be won.

Courage Agent - Live Agent
Introduce the new Porsche Panamera
Ask for key features, specs and detailed car features
Contains all CRM related features and lead the customers straight to the next step e.g. test drives or download material
Direct contact to the PCCC hotline

Amplify the voice
The target group will be all the 30k hand raisers collected in the warm-up campaign together with a portion of the Panamera owners (31k). Also non-owners, Panamera lost leads (92k) that showed their interest in the past. The target is to create 20k new leads which means 13% registration rate.

The most personal Panamera finder
The Panamera finder is based on individual profiles, leading to an entertaining idea to discover the many possibilities of Porsche Panamera.
Simple to use by answering 6 questions the right Panamera is displayed, always together with a fitting equipment. Easy to share and engage with Friends and Family.
Entertaining to use!
Entertaining to create an extended user profile.